The pieces in this section invite us to consider Wairarapa Moana from the perspective of the maunga (mountains), awa (rivers) and moana (sea / ocean / large lakes). What do they make of the current state of the environment and the changes we’ve made to it?
Glistening Water
Explore the wetlands of the Wairarapa, Torotoro ngā repo o te Wairarapa.
Click here to visit the website and to build a deeper connection to the diverse and beautiful repo (wetlands) of the Wairarapa. Website.
Wairarapa Moana Kete Pūrākau
In these videos, tangata speak about their connection to the Wairarapa. Speakers discuss how they whakapapa to the area and what Wairarapa Moana and the repo (wetlands) mean for their identity.
Stories of different locations in the Wairarapa are shared and the connections with people and places are explored and described.
pūrākau of Wairarapa Moana
Listen to these pūrākau (stories)
Narrated By Rawiri Smith (Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa), Illustrations by Gregory O’Brien and published by Lake Stories Aotearoa New Zealand.
Ko Remutaka te Maunga
By Rawiri Smith (Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa)
Ko Wairarapa Te Moana
An interview with Lake Wairarapa >
By Rawiri Smith (Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa)
Pounui lagoon
By Rawiri Smith (Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa)
ko ruamāhanga te awa
By Rawiri Smith (Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa)