Sometimes these areas are wet, sometimes they are dry, and they are home to a number of plants which are highly adapted to the changing environment.
Amphibromus fluitans
Pygmy clubrush, Isolepis basilaris
Colonise areas quickly as the water recedes and reproduce before the water returns, which is the secret to their success. However they are struggling to survive with the arrival of weeds such as mercer grass and beggars’ ticks which can outcompete even these wetland specialists.
With weed control efforts around Wairarapa Moana and work underway to restore Wairio Wetland, we hope that the plight of these rare plants will improve. You’ll find ephemeral wetlands all around the lakes where there is a dip in the landscape, including around Boggy Pond and Wairio Wetland.
Amphibromus fluitans
Pygmy clubrush
© Pat Enright, licensed under (CC-BY-NC)